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TRP Full Form

TRP Full Form What is the full form of TRP? Television Rating Point. Sometimes called Target Rating Point . What is TRP? TRP is a standard measurement system (i.e., metric, parameter, or tool) that indicates the popularity of a television channel or program.  This is used to understand which program is watched most by the viewers. In general, higher TRP means higher popularity of the channel or the program.  TRP provides the advertisement and the marketing agencies an idea about the mood of the people. It is one of the most important deciding factors for marketing and advertisement agencies to choose the channel or program to display their advertisements, or investors (or producers) determine where to invest their money. Usually, they decide to invest money in programs/channels with higher TRP.  Based on TRP television channels also decides the revenue be charged upon advertisements. How TRP is calculated? TRP is generally measured by an independent rating agency. For example, in India